16 Jul 2016 - by 'Maurits van der Schee'
The videos of PyCon 2016, (that was held a month ago in Portland, Oregon) are online! PyCon is the largest annual gathering for the open-source programming language "Python". The impressive list of keynote speakers included: Parisa Tabriz (Security Princess), K Lars Lohn (Hippie Biker at Mozilla), Lorena Barba (Computational Scientist), Cris Ewing (Plone Foundation Member), Guido van Rossum (Python's Creator) and Van Lindberg (Chair of the Python Software Foundation).
Free Python videos
I think it is amazing that you can watch all these high quality Python talks for free on YouTube. To make it easy for you to choose to pick an interesting talk I made a list of all the videos:
Other videos
- Tracy Osborn - Web Design for Non Designers [31:43]
- Jacob Kovac - Revitalizing Python Game Development- Packaging, Performance, and Platforms [28:50]
- Van Lindberg - Structured Data from Unstructured Text [27:36]
- Brian Warner - Magic Wormhole- Simple Secure File Transfer [33:24]
- Jake Vanderplas - Statistics for Hackers [40:45]
- Melinda Shore - Advanced DNS Services for Securing Your Application and Enhancing User Privacy [30:20]
- Elizabeth Ramirez - Kalman Filters for non-rocket science [30:02]
- Felix Crux - What You Need to Know About Open Source Licenses [42:05]
- Elizabeth Uselton - Small Batch Artisanal Bots- Let's Make Friends [7:24]
- Marko Samastur - Publish your code so others can use it in 5 easy steps [32:35]
- Giles Hall - Laser Cutters, 3D Printers, and Python [37:48]
- Daniele Procida - Documentation-driven development - lessons from the Django Project [29:09]
- Irene Chen - A Beginner's Guide to Deep Learning [30:54]
- Visual Diagnostics for More Informed Machine Learning Within and Beyond Scikit-Learn [24:21]
- Dwight Hubbard - Keeping cool, using a Raspberry PI to create a networked temperature sensor [33:52]
- Paulus Schoutsen - Awaken your home: Python and the Internet of Things [30:26]
- Nathaniel Manista, Augie Fackler - Code Unto Others [31:32]
- Brett Slatkin - Refactoring Python: Why and how to restructure your code [30:24]
- Ned Batchelder - Machete-mode debugging: Hacking your way out of a tight spot [35:14]
- Sarah Guido, Sean O'Connor - A Tour of Large-Scale Data Analysis Tools in Python [2:54:42]
- Allen Downey - Bayesian statistics made simple [2:57:24]
- Harry Percival - Outside-In TDD [1:47:00]
- Trey Hunner - Regular Expressions [1:42:01]
- Stuart Williams - Python by Immersion [2:54:23]
- Making an Impact with Python Natural Language Processing Tools [2:54:35]
- David Baumgold - Get Started with Git [3:00:39]
- Kevin Markham - Machine Learning with Text in scikit-learn [2:44:32]
- Final Remarks and Conference Close [14:51]
- Thank you [4:13]
- Improving Learning Resources and Community for Deaf Sign Language Users through Deaf Awareness [26:30]
- Naomi Ceder - Antipatterns for Diversity [24:29]
- Anne DeCusatis - More Than Binary: Inclusive Gender Collection and You [29:32]
- Sep Dehpour (Seperman) - Diff It To Dig It [25:41]
- Brian Corbin - Accelerating healthcare transactions with Python and PyPy [26:23]
- Andrey Petrov - See Python, See Python Go, Go Python Go [27:16]
- Shannon Quinn - Python for Public Health: Building Statistical Models of Ciliary Motion [31:33]
- Larry Hastings - Removing Python's GIL: The Gilectomy [32:07]
- Pramod Gupta - Computational Physics with Python: Planetary Orbits from Newton to Feynman [26:32]
- Jane Davis - User Research for Non-Researchers [31:59]
- Laura Rupprecht - What can software engineers learn from the medical field? [25:32]
- A. Jesse Jiryu Davis - Write an Excellent Programming Blog [26:54]
- Lynn Root, Noa Resare - Why can't we be friends: do corporations and FOSS really mix? [31:27]
- Grant Jenks - Python Sorted Collections [41:10]
- Ashwini Oruganti - Dispelling the 'Genius Programmer' myth through code review [25:24]
- Chelsea Voss - Oneliner-izer: An Exercise in Constrained Coding [28:49]
- Elana Hashman - Teaching Python: The Hard Parts [38:29]
- Russell Keith-Magee - A tale of two cellphones: Python on Android and iOS [32:41]
- Hynek Schlawack - Get Instrumented: How Prometheus Can Unify Your Metrics [41:35]
- Katie Bell - The computer science of marking computer science assignments [24:23]
- The Report Of Twisted’s Death or: Why Twisted and Tornado Are Relevant In The Asyncio Age [44:49]
- Daniel Riti - Remote Calls != Local Calls: Graceful Degradation when Services Fail [30:46]
- Glyph - Shipping Software To Users With Python [45:07]
- Geoff Gerrietts - Diving into the Wreck: a postmortem look at real-world performance [28:06]
- Mercedes Coyle - Build Serverless Realtime Data Pipelines with Python and AWS Lambda [28:15]
- Paul Kehrer - Reliably Distributing Compiled Modules [30:43]
- Sean O'Connor - From Developer to Manager [46:50]
- Manuel Ebert - Putting 1 million new words into the dictionary [42:13]
- IPython Notebook in Data Intensive Communities: Accelerating the process of Discovery [30:02]
- Ria Baldevia - Discovering the world of Python through music [20:37]
- Chloe Mawer - Trainspotting: real-time detection of a train’s passing from video [33:04]
- Wendy Grus - When is it good to be bad? Web scraping and data analysis of NHL penalties [30:20]
- Davey Shafik - HTTP/2 and Asynchronous APIs [29:15]
- Dan Callahan - The New Mobile Web: Service Worker, Push, and App Manifests [26:42]
- How I built a power debugger out of the standard library and things I found on the internet [30:21]
- Anthony Scopatz - xonsh [30:38]
- Sebastian Vetter - Click: A Pleasure To Write, A Pleasure To Use [30:27]
- Dustin Ingram - What Is and What Can Be: An Exploration from
to Metaclasses [19:54]
- David Baumgold - Prototyping New APIs with Flask [23:32]
- Matt Bachmann - Better Testing With Less Code: Property Based Testing With Python [27:29]
- Renee Chu - Unit Tests, Cluster Tests: A Comparative Introduction [17:25]
- Sumana Harihareswara - HTTP Can Do That?! [46:28]
- Alex Martelli - Exception and error handling in Python 2 and Python 3 [46:40]
- Matthias Kramm - Python Typology [31:47]
- Adrienne Lowe - Bake the Cookies, Wear the Dress: Connecting with Confident Authenticity [32:34]
- Katie McLaughlin - Build a Better Hat Rack: All Contributions Welcome [24:47]
- Christophe Pettus - Django 1.8/1.9 and PostgreSQL: An Ever-Closer Union [39:57]
- Craig Kerstiens - Postgres present and future [30:52]
- Dave Sawyer - SQLite: Gotchas and Gimmes [25:11]
- Susan Tan - Let's read code: the requests library [25:22]
- Scott Sanderson, Joe Jevnik - Playing with Python Bytecode [41:51]
- Nina Zakharenko - Memory Management in Python - The Basics [27:01]
- Anna Herlihy - Wrestling Python into LLVM Intermediate Representation [23:56]
- Josh Triplett - Networking without an OS [31:31]
- Jay Goel - Better Integration Testing with Cucumber [25:51]
- Ana Balica - To mock, or not to mock, that is the question [28:38]
- Mike Graham - The Life Cycle of a Python Class [37:25]
- Thomas Ballinger - Finding closure with closures [31:06]
- Nicholas Tollervey - Education Summit wrap-up: teaching Python — how hard can it be? [26:05]
- Cory Benfield - Building Protocol Libraries The Right Way [31:38]
- Andrew Godwin - Reinventing Django for the Real-Time Web [44:45]
- Dorian Pula - Pythons in A Container - Lessons Learned Dockerizing Python Micro-Services [30:26]
- Alex Gaynor - The cobbler's children have no shoes, or building better tools for ourselves [29:51]
- Kate Heddleston, Joyce Jang - Usable Ops: How to make web infrastructure management easier. [41:08]
- Kavya Joshi - A tale of concurrency through creativity in Python: a deep dive into how gevent works. [30:10]
- Łukasz Langa - Thinking In Coroutines [27:18]
- Paul Ross - Here be Dragons - Writing Safe C Extensions [28:35]
- Brett Cannon, Dino Viehland - Pyjion: who doesn’t want faster for free? [25:55]
- Christian Heimes - File descriptors, Unix sockets and other POSIX wizardry [32:02]
- Guillermo Pérez - Python as a configuration language [30:29]
- Drew Fisher - Designing secure systems with Object-Capabilities, Python, and Cap'n Proto [27:48]
- Ying Li, David Lawrence - When the going gets tough, get TUF going [27:07]
- Kelsey Gilmore-Innis - Seriously Strong Security on a Shoestring (CW) [26:20]
- Karen Rubin - Building a Quantitative Trading Strategy To Beat the S&P500 [46:30]
- Juozas Kaziukėnas - Building An Interpreter In RPython [43:05]
- Clara Bennett - Git: A Peek Under the Hood [24:35]
- Deploying and scaling applications with Docker, Swarm, and a tiny bit of Python magic [3:11:06]
- Stuart Williams - Python Epiphanies [2:49:50]
- Allen Downey - Computational Statistics [2:29:19]
- Christophe Pettus - PostgreSQL Proficiency for Python People [3:00:06]
- Mike Müller - Descriptors and Metaclasses - Understanding and Using Python's More Advanced Features [3:02:03]
- Tyler Reddy - Computational Geometry in Python [2:34:51]
- Sev Leonard - The Fellowship of the Data [1:52:13]
- Mike McKerns - Efficient Python for High-Performance Parallel Computing [3:09:05]
- Jérôme Petazzoni - Introduction to Docker and containers [3:09:15]
- Tracy Teal - Data Carpentry: An Introduction to Python for Data Analysis and Visualization [2:54:16]
- Mike Müller - Faster Python Programs - Measure, don't Guess [3:03:58]
- Michael Tom-Wing, Christie Wilson - Introduction to Unit Testing in Python with Pytest [2:31:47]
- Tony Ojeda, Benjamin Bengfort, Laura Lorenz - Natural Language Processing with NLTK and Gensim [3:02:57]
- Kenneth Love - Django 101 [2:04:33]
- (PARTIAL) Harry Percival - Python Bootcamp [49:47]
- Eric Holscher - Documenting your project with Sphinx & Read the Docs [2:40:56]
- Mike Pirnat, David Stanek - Shiny, let's be bad guys [2:51:45]
- PyData 101: Essential data science skills for every programmer, from data to model to visualization [3:23:20]
- Miguel Grinberg - Flask at Scale [3:05:01]
- Luciano Ramalho - Pythonic Objects: implementing productive APIs with the Python Data Model [3:01:53]
- Eric J. Ma - Practical Network Analysis Made Simple [2:40:15]
- Renee Chu - Python for Social Scientists: Cleaning and Prepping Data [1:55:07]
- Luke Sneeringer - Ansible 101 [3:03:20]
- Tracy Osborn - Build Your First Web App with Hello Web App! [2:30:07]
- Creating, building, testing, and documenting a Python project - a hands-on HOWTO [3:17:06]
- Julia Ferraioli, Amy Unruh, Eli Bixby - Diving into Machine Learning through TensorFlow [2:55:06]
- lvh, Cory Benfield, Glyph, Hynek Schlawack, Paul Kehrer - The Hitchhiker's Guide to TLS & SSL [2:54:30]
Lightning talks
Have fun watching!
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