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GMKtec NucBox G5: a tiny Linux PC

01 Sep 2024 - by 'Maurits van der Schee'

I don't like laptops, neither to own nor to work on. They are very costly, are hard to repair or upgrade and I get neck and back pain from working on them. I love to work at places where the desk is (properly) equipped with (height-adjustable) monitor, keyboard and mouse. Most companies provide laptops to use on such desk setups for maximum flexibility, but I would rather have a GMKtec NucBox G5.


A GMKtec NucBox G5 is a very tiny PC that is powered over USB-C (12v Power Delivery) and has a low power N97 quad core CPU and 12GB DDR5 RAM and a 512GB SSD. It is so small that it fits in the palm of your hand, is as fast as most laptops, is super cheap (170 EUR), has great connectivity and runs Linux flawlessly. It is a great little PC for some light programming and office/web work in general.

NucBox advantages

Laptop advantages


I like a small, silent and powerful computers. While the GMKtec NucBox G5 is super-small and also silent, it is not very powerful. While it is by no means slow, it is limited in possibilities: the soldered RAM modules and soldered low powered CPU make that it can't be upgraded. It is also not a workstation on which you can run multiple VMs conveniently (for that check out the Deskmini X600 review). But the same can be said about most entry level laptops and the super low price (170 EUR), the low idle power usage (8W) and many full size ports (gigabit ethernet, 2x HDMI, 3x USB) make up for a lot. Oh... and it runs Linux Mint 22 super smooth!

I love it, enjoy!


This post was not requested nor sponsored in any way. I'm a hardware (and Linux) enthusiast that loves to share. Enjoy!


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