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Install PHP memcache in PHP 8.3

01 Jan 2025 - by 'Maurits van der Schee'

Memcache is a very fast cache that is a great addition to MariaDB and PHP. It is simpler and more performant than Redis. I prefer Redis for session storage and Memcache for application caching in my (high-performance) PHP projects. Installing Memcache is very easy (on any Debian based Linux), all you have to do is type:

sudo apt install memcached

In order to allow PHP to talk to Memcache you need the "php-memcache" extension. You can install that with:

sudo apt install php-memcache

Now when you are running PHP 8.3 (the version that is distributed with Linux Mint 22), then you may get this error message:

Creation of dynamic property Memcache::$connection is deprecated

Now check the installed version of the Memcache extension using:

echo '<?php phpinfo();' | php | grep 'memcache support' -A1

You probably see this:

memcache support => enabled
Version =>

This is due to the version in the repository being a bit behind ( is from 2019-12-20). You can install this latest version by running:

sudo apt install php-dev zlib1g-dev
sudo apt install php-pear
sudo pecl channel-update pecl.php.net
sudo pecl install memcache

Now check the installed version of the Memcache extension (again) using:

echo '<?php phpinfo();' | php | grep 'memcache support' -A1

If you correctly installed the latest version it should say:

memcache support => enabled
Version => 8.2

You may want to set in "/etc/php/8.3/mods-available/memcache.ini":


Memcache defaults to 15 (seconds) of maximum lock time and while that works, I think that is a bit low. Now all you need to do is restart Apache or any other webserver that you are using:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

That's all. I hope this post helped you!

NB: You may also simply switch from "Memcache" to "Memcached" (if you don't store sessions in it, see next post).

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